“Keep your soul fit"

One to one and group
breath work sessions
Turkish and English
*Zoom option available

Who am I?

I used to work in healthcare industry around 10 years as a corporate communicator. I have always been dedicated to adding values to people’s lives. I became an ICF certificated breath coach at 2018 and NLP Practitioner at 2019. Since I believe a healthy body and healthy mind have positive effects on each other, I am also combining the sessions with a short fitness followed by breath work and meditation for the interested group participants. I am a certified Group Fitness Instructor of NASM. Acceptance and confidentiality are the core of my profession. I am committed to energize, engage and inspire all participants. Let’s grow our strengths, recognize and raise ourselves higher together.

What is breath work?

Transformational breath work insures the fastest, most reliable way to experience a complete shift physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. It quickly and safely clears out resistance and increases a person’s overall energy level. It brings more oxygen to the physical body. Providing more oxygen to the body has been beneficial for many conditions. Since we use diaphragmatic breathing, the lymphatic system is activated and begin to move toxins from the body.  Natural breathing is very crucial for the health of the body. Conscious and connected natural breathing increases our life energy, strengthens the immune system and provides motivation.

What do I do?

Every person and each session is unique. The session may be uncomfortable due to emotional content but it is paradoxically blissful in the meantime. As a breath coach, feeling the individual’s higher self I guide the healing, providing only what is needed with a feeling of absolute safety.

How can you benefit?

Breath taken during breath work sessions is a process that allows the body to get enough oxygen it needs and convert it into life energy using the full capacity of the diaphragm muscle. If we don’t breathe correctly, we disrupt the nature of the breath, which means we disrupt our natural state. Natural breath benefits at the physical, mental – emotional and spiritual level.

At the physical level, the oxygen level in the blood increases to full capacity. The body is free from waste and toxins and lightens, revives and becomes energetic. Improvement in the physical level of diseases is observed.

At the mental-emotional level, the mind becomes free and clear with the removal of the conditions created by the mind. Self-confidence increases. Breath work transforms negative thinking frequencies by raising low-frequency energy in the subconscious. Motivation increases thanks to the right breath work. “The ability to look at the same situation from a different point of view” improves. Focus increases. Breath work studies are very effective studies for staying away from anger, stress and anxiety.

At the spiritual level, the mind learns to follow the guidance of the heart instead of the ego; it identifies with the self instead of the ego. A person becomes at peace and in harmony with his own existence.

When do the changes in life
can be observed?

All those negative areas in a person’s life that makes her/him feel not enough or feel does not go right directly affect their breathing habit. By the help of the breathing habit and awareness gained in the frequently repeated sessions, transformations begin in the person’s life.

The participant will leave the session in a higher vibration with access to higher consciousness. Some experience their buried emotions which are integrated and healed in the session. After frequent sessions both body, mind and spirit reform. It is best to let go of your expectations and judgements so you can accept the part of you that wants to heal.